Ceramic PCB Substrates

Alumina Oxide in two variants, Aluminium Nitride and Silicon Nitride are available to meet your specific application

Alumina PCB (96% & 99.6%)

Alumina Oxide (Al2O3) PCB (96% & 99.6%)

The most common material used for Ceramic PCBs is Alumina Oxide (96%). A naturally excellent electrical insulator with strong thermal properties. The thermal conductivity of Alumina is not as high as Aluminium Nitride, however it is still noticeably higher than the best performing Metal Clad PCB materials with a Thermal Conductivity in the region of 24W/mK. Another variant of this is Al2O3 (99.6%) which has a higher Thermal Conductivity, in the region of 29W/mK.

A high light reflectivity, along with good thermal properties makes Alumina Oxide well suited for LED applications. Whilst low values of thermal expansion and signal loss make it suitable for a range of applications including sensor modules, high-frequency systems and cooling systems.


  • High values of Thermal Conductivity (24-29W/mK)
  • High substrate operating temperatures to over 800°C
  • Low CTE
  • Suitable for high frequency applications due to low signal loss
  • High light reflectivity
  • Possibility for Hermetic packages with 0% water absorption

Technical Specifications

Download our complete design rules below. If you have different requirements, or have any questions please contact us.

Ceramic Manufacturing Capabilities document

Aluminium Nitride PCB

Aluminium Nitride (AlN)

If a higher thermal conductivity is required then Aluminium Nitride (AlN) will be required. AlN has a superior thermal conductivity; depending on options, the conductivity achieved will be between 150-170W/mK.

This, along with a very low CTE and high operating temperatures makes AlN suitable for a variety of applications including; High power LEDs, testing, sensors, Integrated Components (ICs) and more.


  • Superior values of Thermal Conductivity (Up to 170W/mK)
  • High substrate operating temperatures to over 800°C
  • Very low CTE
  • Suitable for high frequency applications due to low signal loss
  • Possibility for Hermetic packages with 0% water absorption

Technical Specifications

Download our complete design rules below. If you have different requirements, or have any questions please contact us.

Ceramic Manufacturing Capabilities document

Silicon Nitride PCB

Silicon Nitride (SiN)

Property Unit SiN
Thermal Conductivity W/mK 85
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) x 10¯6/K 2.6
Dielectric Constant - 9
Signal Loss x 10¯3 0.2
Light Reflectivity % -
Breakdown Voltage KV/mm 15
Rupture Strength Mpa 800
Max Operating Temperature SiN
Substrate 850°
Cu Conductor 300°
Solder Resist 100°C
Glass Resist 500°C
  • Thermal Conductivity value between Al2O3 and AlN at 85-90W/mK run at extremely high temperatures, but in addition it has a
  • High substrate operating temperatures to over 800°C
  • Very low CTE
  • High rupture strength - makes it a more attractive solution to harsher environments or environments with high levels of vibration.
  • Suitable for high frequency applications due to low signal loss
  • Possibility for Hermetic packages with 0% water absorption

Ceramic Manufacturing Capabilities document

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