For many years, silicon has been the chosen material for semiconductor production. With the approaching theoretical limit on how much it can be improved other substrates such as Gallium Nitride (GaN) are being used. It is a product that can be used for semiconductor power devices as well as RF components and LEDs.
Not only do GaN semiconductors have 1000 times the electron mobility than Silicon they are also able to operate at higher temperatures, up to 400°C, whilst still maintaining their characteristics. These combined characteristics would make GaN highly desirable in high temperature, high frequency and high-power environments.
With standard operating temperatures, typically over 200°C, associated circuitry is not possible with standard FR4 or IMS boards making Ceramics the only viable option. At DK-Daleba, your UK partner for Ceramic Circuits, we can advise on the best Ceramic substrate for your higher temperature applications. We offer Alumina Oxide, Aluminium Nitride and Silicon Nitride as standard. Depending on the substrate chosen a thermal conductivity of up to 180 W/mk is offered with operating temperatures over 800°C.
Date : 13-02-2020
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